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Currently HELIX supports SQLite, MySQL and PostgreSQL out of the box.


-- Creates a SQLite connection, using a local file called 'database_filename.db'
local sqlite_db = Database(DatabaseEngine.SQLite, "db=database_filename.db timeout=2")

-- Creates a table
        id INTEGER,
        name VARCHAR(100)

-- Insert values in the table
local affected_rows = sqlite_db:Execute("INSERT INTO test VALUES (1, 'amazing')")
Console.Log("Affected Rows: " .. tostring(affected_rows))
-- Will output: 1

-- Selects the data
local rows = sqlite_db:Select("SELECT * FROM test")
-- Will output a table with all data from 'test'

-- Selects the data with filter
local rows_filter = sqlite_db:Select("SELECT * FROM test WHERE name = :0", "amazing")
-- Will output a table with all data from 'test' where name matches 'amazing'


All requests are thread safe! 🥳



The initial connection to the Database (when it's being constructed) is made on the main thread, so expect the server hanging for a few seconds during that.


If the Database fails to connect, it will spit an error on console and will return nil.

Static Functions#



When passing arguments to a query, use the following syntax: :? where ? is the placeholder argument (i.e. :0) passed into the function.

For a more in-depth example see Examples

🧵 Connection String#

Each Database Engine has it's own parameters which can be used on the connection_string constructor. Those parameters are defined and backend-dependent by the Engine, being passed directly to the Backend when creating the connection.

They should be set in the following format: "param1=value1 param2=value2 param3=value3".


Usually you don't need to explicitly define all (or most) of the parameters described here, just use the ones you make sure are useful for your needs. Some of them are described by the libraries but aren't 100% tested in HELIX.

▶ SQLite#


There is a special connection_string for SQLite: :memory:. This will create a database in the memory which is destroyed when the server closes.

Parameter Default Value Description
db/dbname The database name
timeout 0 set sqlite busy timeout (in seconds) (link)
readonly false open database in read-only mode instead of the default read-write (note that the database file must already exist in this case, see the documentation)
synchronous set the pragma synchronous flag (link)
shared_cache should be true (link)
vfs set the SQLite VFS used to as OS interface. The VFS should be registered before opening the connection, see the documentation

▶ MySQL#

Parameter Default Value Description
db/dbname The database name
user User name to connect as
password/pass Password to be used if the server demands password authentication
host Name of host to connect to
port Port number to connect to at the server host
local_infile should be 0 or 1, 1 means MYSQL_OPT_LOCAL_INFILE will be set
reconnect 0 if set to 1, will attempt to reconnect on connection loss
connect_timeout should be positive integer value that means seconds corresponding to MYSQL_OPT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT
read_timeout should be positive integer value that means seconds corresponding to MYSQL_OPT_READ_TIMEOUT
write_timeout should be positive integer value that means seconds corresponding to MYSQL_OPT_WRITE_TIMEOUT

▶ PostgreSQL#

More parameters and complete information can be found at the PostgreSQL Official Documentation.

Parameter Default Value Description
host Name of host to connect to
hostaddr Numeric IP address of host to connect to
port Port number to connect to at the server host
user same as OS user name User name to connect as
dbname same as user name The database name
password Password to be used if the server demands password authentication
connect_timeout 0 Maximum wait for connection, in seconds
options Command-line options to be sent to the server