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Our WebUI implementation is built using the last versions of Chromium Embedded Framework.

///note Proprietary Codecs

Proprietary Codecs like MP3 and AAC are not supported on public CEF builds. We recommend converting your media files to WEBM or OGG.



-- Loading a local file
local my_ui = WebUI(
    "Awesome UI",            -- Name
    "file://UI/index.html",  -- Path relative to this package (Client/)
    WebUIVisibility.Visible  -- Is Visible on Screen

-- Loading a Web URL
local my_browser = WebUI(
    "Awesome Site",          -- Name
    "",   -- Web's URL
    WebUIVisibility.Visible  -- Is Visible on Screen

-- Loading a local file from other package
local my_ui = WebUI(
    "Awesome Other UI",      -- Name
    WebUIVisibility.Visible  -- Is Visible on Screen

Using a WebUI as Mesh Material#

-- Spawns a WebUI with is_visible = false, is_transparent = false, auto_resize = false and size of 500x500
local my_ui = WebUI("Awesome Site", "", false, false, false, 500, 500)

-- Spawns a StaticMesh (can be any mesh)
local static_mesh = StaticMesh(Vector(0, 0, 100), Rotator(), "helix::SM_Cube")

-- Sets the mesh material to use the WebUI

Communicating between Lua and JS (WebUI)#

local my_ui = WebUI("Awesome UI", "file://UI/index.html")

local param1 = 123
local param2 = "hello"

-- Calls a JS event
my_ui:CallEvent("MyEvent", param1, param2)

-- Subscribes to receive JS events
my_ui:Subscribe("MyAnswer", function(param1)
    Console.Log("Received back! %s", param1)
    -- Will output 'Received back! Hey there!'
// Register for "MyEvent" from Lua
Events.Subscribe("MyEvent", function(param1, param2) {
    console.log("Triggered! " + param1 + " " + param2);
    // Will output 'Triggered! 123 hello'

    // Triggers "MyAnswer" on Lua
    Events.Call("MyAnswer", "Hey there!");

Pretty Scroll Bar#

Since we migrated from Webkit to CEF, some scrollbars got ugly. Here's a small CSS snippet to make them almost like the Webkit ones:

::-webkit-scrollbar {
    width: 6px;

::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {
    border-radius: 10px;
    background-color: #494949;

body {
    scrollbar-gutter: stable both-edges;

More related examples:

User Interface Basic HUD (HTML)


You can use the output Texture from a Canvas with :SetMaterialFromWebUI() method!


🔍 HTML Path Searchers#

Loading a .html file supports the following searchers, which are looked in the following order:

  1. Relative to current-file-path/
  2. Relative to current-package/Client/
  3. Relative to current-package/
  4. Relative to Packages/

Static Functions#

