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-- Registers the binding_name 'SpawnMenu' with default key 'Q'
-- This will add 'SpawnMenu' to user KeyBinding Settings automatically
Input.Register("SpawnMenu", "Q")

-- Subscribes for Pressing the key
Input.Bind("SpawnMenu", InputEvent.Pressed, function()
    -- Opens the Spawn Menu

-- Subscribes for Releasing the key
Input.Bind("SpawnMenu", InputEvent.Released, function()
    -- Closes the Spawn Menu

Static Functions#


⌨️ Key Names#

List of all keys names returned in Key/Mouse events.

▶️ Function Keys#

Key Name Description
F1 Function one
F2 Function two
F3 Function three
F4 Function four
F5 Function five
F6 Function six
F7 Function seven
F8 Function eight
F9 Function nine
F10 Function ten
F11 Function eleven
F12 Function twelve

▶️ Alphanumerical keys#

Key Name Description
A Letter A
B Letter B
C Letter C
D Letter D
E Letter E
F Letter F
G Letter G
H Letter H
I Letter I
J Letter J
K Letter K
L Letter L
M Letter M
N Letter N
O Letter O
P Letter P
Q Letter Q
R Letter R
S Letter S
T Letter T
U Letter U
V Letter V
W Letter W
X Letter X
Y Letter Y
Z Letter Z

▶️ Special keys#

Key Name Description
Escape Escape
Tab Tab
Tilde ~
ScrollLock Scroll lock
Pause Pause
BackSpace BackSpace
One One
Two Two
Three Three
Four Four
Five Five
Six Six
Seven Seven
Eight Eight
Nine Nine
Zero Zero
Underscore _
Equals =
LeftBracket [
RightBracket ]
Enter Enter or Numpad enter
CapsLock Caps lock
Semicolon ;
LeftShift Left shift
Comma ,
Period .
Slash /
RightShift Right Shif
LeftControl Left control
LeftAlt Left alt
SpaceBar Space bar
RightAlt Right alt
RightControl Right control
Left Left
Up Up
Down Down
Right Right
Home Home
End End
Insert Insert
PageUp Page up
Delete Delete
PageDown Page down
NumLock Num lock
Divide Numpad /
Multiply Numpad *
Subtract Numpad -
Add Numpad +
PageDown Page down
NumPadOne Numpad one
NumPadTwo Numpad two
NumPadThree Numpad three
NumPadFour Numpad four
NumPadFive Numpad five
NumPadSix Numpad six
NumPadSeven Numpad seven
NumPadEight Numpad eight
NumPadNine Numpad nine
NumPadZero Numpad zero
Decimal Numpad decimal

▶️ Mouse#

Key Name Description
LeftMouseButton Left mouse button
RightMouseButton Right mouse button
MiddleMouseButton Middle mouse button
ThumbMouseButton Primary mouse thumb button
ThumbMouseButton2 Secondary mouse thumb button
MouseScrollUp Mouse wheel scrolling up
MouseScrollDown Mouse wheel scrolling down
MouseX Mouse movement on the X axis
MouseY Mouse movement on the Y axis