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Prop Rain

Older/Work In Progress Page

  • This page was initially written for an older version of Helix, has not been updated, and may be out of date!
  • Contributions are more than welcome (see buttons at the top right of the page).

How to create a rain effect with Props (boxes) falling from sky once a Character enters a Trigger.

Final result#

Add the following code to Server/Index.lua file inside the package.

-- Spawns a Trigger
my_trigger = Trigger(Vector(300, 100, 100), Rotator(), Vector(100), TriggerType.Sphere, true, Color(1, 0, 0))

-- Defines my_timer globally to be used to store Timer
my_timer = nil

-- Sets BeginOverlap event
my_trigger:Subscribe("BeginOverlap", function(trigger, actor_triggering)
    -- Only activates if a Character enters it
    if (actor_triggering:GetType() ~= "Character") then

    -- Sets a Timer at each 100ms to spawn a Prop
    my_timer = Timer.SetInterval(function()
        -- Gets random Location and Rotation
        local prop_spawn_location = Vector(math.random(100, 300), math.random(100, 300), math.random(800, 1200))
        local prop_spawn_rotation = Rotator(math.random(0, 360), math.random(0, 360), math.random(0, 360))

        -- Spawns a Crate
        Prop(prop_spawn_location, prop_spawn_rotation, "helix::SM_Cube")
    end, 100)

-- Sets EndOverlap event
my_trigger:Subscribe("EndOverlap", function(trigger, actor_triggering)
    -- Only deactivates if a Character leaves it
    if (actor_triggering:GetType() ~= "Character") then

    -- Stops/Clear the Timer
    if (my_timer ~= nil) then

To add a character, add this code from the initial setup page.